NYCでは、家賃バウチャーや無料の法律相談など、自宅に住み続けられるようなサービスを提供しています。 また、ホームレス状態にある場合は、仮設住宅を利用できる場合があります。
立ち退きを迫られている方、生活 費を稼ぐのにお困りの方、Homebaseがお手伝いします。 緊急助成金や公的給付に関する情報など、家に住み続けられるためのサービスを提供しています。 お近くのHomebaseの店舗を検索し、ご予約をお願いします。
あなたとあなたの家族がすぐに避難する必要がある場合は、予防援助と仮設住宅(PATH)受け入れセンターに行ってください。 24時間、年中無休で営業しています。 場所はブロンクスの151 East 151st Streetです。 21歳未満のお子様をお持ちのご家族、妊娠中の方、妊娠中の女性をお持ちのご家族がお申し込みになれます。 PATHの詳細については、本サイトのNYCホームレスサービス局(DHS)のページをご覧ください。
家賃や請求書の支払いを支援する必要がある場合、立ち退きやホームレスに直面している低所得世帯のための給付があります。緊急賃貸援助(ERAP)は、遅い家賃や遅い光熱費を援助し、ある種の立ち退きや家賃の値上げから保護することができます。 また、FHEPSやCityFHEPSなど、さまざまな種類の長期賃貸援助プログラムについて、市の職員に尋ねることもできます。 なお、このようなプログラムは数に限りがありますので、ご了承ください。
家主からの立ち退きや嫌がらせに直面している場合、 Tenant Resource Portalがお役に立ちます。 彼らは、移民のステータスに関係なく、リソースと法的支援を提供しています。 311に電話し、テナント・ヘルプライン(Tenant Helpline)を尋ねて、助けを求めてください。
NYCのシェルター システムについて詳しく知りたい方は、NYC Department of Homeless Services (DHS)のページをご覧ください。
14歳から24歳で、 食料、衣料、シャワー、洗濯、緊急避難所などの必需 品が必要な場合は、 ドロップイン・センターを訪れてください。
16歳から24歳までの方で、短期間の住居が必要 な場合は、クライシス・サービス・プログラムをご利用ください。 ドロップイン・センターを訪れ、紹介を求めるか、311に電話して「Youth Services and Counseling」と尋ねてください。
16歳から24歳までで、長期的な住居が必要 な場合は、Transitional Independent Living(TIL)施設でシェルターを見つけることができます。 まずは、ドロップイン・センターを訪れ、紹介を依頼する。
18歳以上の独身の大人 なら、大人のシェルターに行けばいいんです。

How do I get started?
- Go to Access NYC and fill out a short online survey. The survey results will let you know what City benefits you’re eligible for, including some of the ones listed here. Follow the instructions on the result page to apply for benefits. You can also email your results to City staff at your child’s school or your shelter for help.
- Speak to City staff who can help. In schools, there may be an STH Community Coordinator or STH School-Based Liaison who can answer questions. If your child’s school doesn’t have those roles, reach out to the school’s regional manager. In a shelter, speak with a social worker, case manager, or family assistant.
- Gather your documents. You may need certain documents to apply for services. Common ones include proof of identity, proof of address, and proof of income. Don’t let missing documents keep you from applying. City staff can help you replace missing documents.
Undocumented immigrants can access many city services, regardless of their status. City employees will not ask about immigration status unless it is necessary to do their jobs. They must keep information about immigration status confidential.
Affordable housing waiting lists
NYC Mitchell-Lama
Housing | NYC Housing Preservation and Development (HPD); NYS Housing and Community Renewal (HCR)
The Mitchell-Lama program provides affordable rental and cooperative homeownership opportunities to families with moderate and middle incomes.
Affordable public housing
NYCHA Public Housing
Housing | NYC Housing Authority (NYCHA)
People with low and moderate income can rent affordable housing through the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA).
Assistance to pay late rent and utilities owed due to COVID-19.
Emergency Rental Assistance Program
Housing | NYC DSS and HRA / NY State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA); U.S. Treasury\nDepartment of Social Services (DSS); Human Resources Administration (HRA); NY State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA); U.S. Treasury
The Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) helps renters who accrued late rent and utility bills on or after March 13, 2020. There is also help to pay for some future rent, and protection from certain types of eviction and rent increases.
Flood insurance
National Flood Insurance Program
Housing | Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) protects your home and belongings in the event of a flood. Traditional homeowners and renters insurance does not cover flood damage. A federal flood insurance policy is the only way to make sure your home is covered.
Forgivable loan for down payment of closing costs
HomeFirst Down Payment Assistance
Housing | NYC Housing Preservation and Development (HPD)
Home First gives qualified homebuyers up to $100,000 toward the down payment or closing costs of a home.
Help with rent for families with children
Family Homelessness and Eviction Prevention Supplement
Housing | Department of Social Services (DSS); Department of Homeless Services (DHS); Human Resources Administration (HRA)
FHEPS pays some or all of the rent of families who have been evicted, are facing eviction, or have lost housing due to domestic violence. Families must be receiving ( Cash Assistance (CA) to be eligible. Families who have lost housing because of health or safety issues, or from certain court decisions may also be eligible for FHEPS.
Homeless shelters and services
Homeless Intake Shelters & Drop-In Centers
Housing | NYC Department of Homeless Services (DHS)
If you’re homeless or have a housing crisis, you can apply for shelter or get help to avoid shelter altogether.
Homes for adults who cannot live alone
Family Type Homes for Adults
Housing | NYS Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS); NYC Human Resources Administration (HRA)
Family-Type Home for Adults (FTHA) are state licensed, adult care facilities that offer a comfortable, home-like atmosphere to residents. Residents are dependent adults who require support services, but do not need skilled medical or nursing services.
Lotteries for affordable housing
NYC Housing Connect
Housing | NYC Housing Preservation and Development (HPD); NYC Housing Development Corporation (HDC)
NYC Housing Connect is an online portal where you can find an affordable apartment or home to rent or buy.
Rent freeze for people with disabilities
Disability Rent Increase Exemption
Housing | NYC Department of Finance (DOF)
DRIE helps eligible tenants with disabilities stay in affordable housing by freezing their rent. This means tenants can keep paying what they were paying even if the landlord increases the rent. The landlord will get a property tax credit that covers the difference between the new and original rent amount.
Rent freeze for seniors
Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption
Housing | NYC Department of Finance (DOF); NYC Housing Preservation and Development (HPD)
SCRIE helps eligible senior citizens 62 and older stay in affordable housing by freezing their rent. Tenants can keep paying what they were paying even if their landlord increases the rent. The landlord gets a property tax credit that covers the difference between the new and original rent amount.
Resources for affordable homeownership
Center For NYC Neighborhoods
Housing | Center for NYC Neighborhoods (CNYCN); NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD); NYS Attorney General’s Office (OAG)
The Center for NYC Neighborhoods (CNYCN) ( connects homeowners to free resources and services. Help is available for every stage of homeownership.
Resources to avoid eviction
NYC Tenant Resource Portal
Housing | Mayor’s Office to Protect Tenants / Mayor’s Public Engagement Unit / DoITT
The Tenant Resource Portal ( is an online resource to help residential renters avoid eviction and remain in their homes. The online portal directs you to resources based on your situation.
Services and support for homeless youth
Runaway And Homeless Youth Drop-In Centers
Housing | NYC Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD)
At Drop-in Centers ( , homeless youth ages 14–24 can receive help and referrals for emergency shelter.
Services to help you keep your housing
Housing | NYC Human Resources Administration (HRA)
Homebase can help if you’re at risk of becoming homeless. They have locations across New York City’s five boroughs and offer a wide range of services to help you if you have a housing crisis.
Supportive housing for homeless veterans
Veterans Affairs Supported Housing
Housing | US Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD); US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
HUD-VASH helps veterans and their families who are homeless find and keep permanent housing. Veterans get a Section 8 rental voucher that helps pay for a place to live. VA case managers can also connect veterans with other supportive services.
Vouchers that pay part of your rent
Section 8 / Housing Choice Voucher Program
Housing | NYC Housing Authority (NYCHA)
Section 8 pays part of the rent for low- and moderate-income families who want to rent in the private market. Eligibility for this program is based on a family’s income and family size. Generally, families pay no more than 40% of their monthly income towards their rent. NYCHA pays the rest to the property owner.