The Mitchell-Lama program provides affordable rental and cooperative homeownership opportunities to families with moderate and middle incomes.
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You have to apply to each development waiting list separately.Apply to ones that fit your income, household size, and preferences. Applicants may apply to open waiting lists. Closed waiting lists do not accept new applicants.Entering the lottery for an open waiting list puts you in a lottery for the waiting list, not the next available unit.If your application is chosen from the lottery, you'll be added to a waitlist and notified when a unit becomes available. It may take several years before a unit becomes available to people on a waiting list.Veterans may be entitled to a preference for Mitchell-Lama developments with an open waiting list.Mitchell-Lama housing lotteries are only one type of housing lottery. For other affordable housing opportunities, visit ( NYC Housing Connect.
Eligibility for Mitchell-Lama rental units is determined by:
The size of the unitThe number of people who will be living in the unitYour total household income which cannot be more than the limits shown below. Different developments have different limits:Household Size|Federally Assisted Rental|Federally Assisted Cooperative|Non-Federally Assisted1|$86,960|$135,875|$135,8752|$99,440|$155,375|$155,3753|$111,840|$174,750|$174,7504|$124,240|$194,125|$194,1255|$134,160|$209,625|$209,6256|$144,080|$225,125|$225,1257|$154,080|$240,750|$240,7508|$164,000|$256,250|$256,250
Required Documents
How to Apply
Create an account on ( Mitchell-Lama Connect ( .Signing up for NYC Mitchell-Lama Connect will provide email notifications when additional waiting list lotteries open.Find developments with open wait list lotteries.Apply for developments with open waitlists. There is a non-refundable $75 application fee.Additional Mitchell-Lama waiting lists are managed by NYS Homes and Community Renewal. See their list of developments for middle income families and seniors ( .By mailFind developments with open wait list lotteries. Scroll down to "How to Apply".Call a development to request a wait list application. Complete and submit your wait list application by mail.
Create an account on ( Mitchell-Lama Connect ( .Signing up for NYC Mitchell-Lama Connect will provide email notifications when additional waiting list lotteries open.Find developments with open wait list lotteries.Apply for developments with open waitlists. There is a non-refundable $75 application fee.Additional Mitchell-Lama waiting lists are managed by NYS Homes and Community Renewal. See their list of developments for middle income families and seniors.
Find a housing development
By Mail
Get Help
Visit HPD's Mitchell-Lama page ( for more information.Email [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) with questions.Call HPD at 212-863-6500 with questions.