Family-Type Home for Adults (FTHA) are state licensed, adult care facilities that offer a comfortable, home-like atmosphere to residents. Residents are dependent adults who require support services, but do not need skilled medical or nursing services.
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FTHA homes are for adults who cannot live independently on their own. Residents are not confined to the homes. Many are able to attend vocational programs, day programs, senior centers, and take part in other community-based activities.FTHA homes provide: a furnished roomthree meals a day and evening snackmedication assistancemoney managementpersonal care with minimal assistance (such as bathing, dressing, and grooming)supervisionsocial supporthousekeeping and laundryFTHA homes are located throughout NYC and are limited to no more than four residents within a one- or two-family home. They are private homes or apartments, either owned or rented by the provider. The cost to live in a FTHA home varies. Residents or their representatives can negotiate the rate with the FTHA home provider. This is for residents who are private paying individuals, which means they're not paying with SSI and Public Assistance.Residents may pay with public funding like Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Public Assistance. However, those rates are determined by the Social Security Administration.
To be considered for FTHA housing, individuals must be:
18 years or older, and Unable to live independently without semi-protective care. This may be due to a:Developmental disabilityMental illnessPhysical disabilityMental impairmentOther requirements:If an individual has been diagnosed with a developmental disability or mental illness, they must attend a day treatment program.If an individual has a history of substance abuse, they must be at least five years clean or sober.Individuals cannot be considered for FTHA housing if they are:Wheelchair boundBed-ridden Have a history of: Substance abuse (and are not at least five years clean or sober)Non-compliance with medication and treatmentArson Verbal and/or abusive behavior Imprisonment
Required Documents
How to Apply
Referrals to the FTHA program typically come from hospitals, doctors, public and private agencies, friends, neighbors and community social work networks.Call 212-331-3722 or 212-331-3351 to refer someone for FTHA.
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Get Help
Read the ( Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) from NYS OCFSCall the Placement Intake Coordinators at 212-331-3722 or 212-331-3351 for information on FTHA placements.Call 212-331-3347 for information on the program.Call 311. Ask about the Family-Type Home for Adults program.