시 및 연방 수준에서 제공되는 많은 현금 혜택이 있습니다. 그들은 청구서 지불을 돕거나 직불 카드로 매월 자금을 받을 수 있습니다.
어떤 도움을 받을 수 있나요?
일상적인 지출에 대한 도움이 필요한 경우 다양한 뉴욕 주민들에게 현금 혜택을 제공합니다.
- 직불 카드 또는 ATM 카드의 월별 자금에 대해서는 현금 지원 을 참조하십시오.
- 인터넷 및 전화 요금 절감에 대해서는 Lifeline 을 참조하십시오.
- 난방비 절감에 대해서는 가정 에너지 지원 프로그램(HEAP) 을 참조하십시오. 에어컨 비용 절감에 대해서는 냉각 지원 혜택 을 참조하십시오.
- 지하철 및 버스 요금 50% 할인은 Fair Fares NYC 를 참조하십시오. NYC Department of Education(DOE) 학교에 등록한 자녀의 부모는 무료 월간 MetroCard를 받을 자격이 있을 수 있습니다. 더 자세한 정보는 보호소의 가족 도우미나 자녀 학교의 STH 학교 기반 연락 담당자에게 문의하십시오.
장애가 있는 경우 SSI(Supplemental Security Income)를 신청하고 미국 정부로부터 돈을 받을 수 있습니다. SSI는 소득이 거의 또는 전혀 없는 장애인을 돕습니다. 그들은 음식, 의복 및 주거에 대한 기본적인 필요를 충족시키기 위해 현금을 제공할 수 있습니다. 자세한 내용은 SSI 웹사이트 를 방문하거나 1-800-772-1213으로 전화하십시오.

How do I get started?
- Go to Access NYC and fill out a short online survey. The survey results will let you know what City benefits you’re eligible for, including some of the ones listed here. Follow the instructions on the result page to apply for benefits. You can also email your results to City staff at your child’s school or your shelter for help.
- Speak to City staff who can help. In schools, there may be an STH Community Coordinator or STH School-Based Liaison who can answer questions. If your child’s school doesn’t have those roles, reach out to the school’s regional manager. In a shelter, speak with a social worker, case manager, or family assistant.
- Gather your documents. You may need certain documents to apply for services. Common ones include proof of identity, proof of address, and proof of income. Don’t let missing documents keep you from applying. City staff can help you replace missing documents.
Undocumented immigrants can access many city services, regardless of their status. City employees will not ask about immigration status unless it is necessary to do their jobs. They must keep information about immigration status confidential.
NYC는 어떤 혜택과 프로그램을 제공합니까?
항목을 클릭하여 자세히 알아보세요.
Discount on your phone or internet service
Cash & expenses | Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
Lifeline is a federal program that gives up to a $9.25 monthly discount on phone or internet service.
Financial help to cover the cost and installation of an air conditioner or fan
Cooling Assistance Benefit
Cash & expenses | NYC Human Resources Administration (HRA)
The Cooling Assistance benefit helps eligible households buy and install an air conditioner or fan to help their home stay cool.
Free financial counseling and coaching
NYC Financial Empowerment Centers
Cash & expenses | NYC Department of Consumer and Worker Protection (DCWP)
NYC Financial Empowerment Centers provide free, one-on-one professional financial counseling and coaching to help you reach your goals.
Free internet for NYCHA residents
Big Apple Connect
Cash & expenses | NYC Office of Technology & Innovation (OTI), NYC Housing Authority (NYCHA)
NYCHA residents without existing home internet can sign up for home internet and basic cable TV for as low as $0/month with Optimum or Spectrum. Existing Optimum and Spectrum customers will have their bills reduced to as low as $0.
Free tax prep services
NYC Free Tax Prep
Cash & expenses | NYC Department of Consumer and Worker Protection (DCWP)
You qualify for free tax filing with NYC Free Tax Prep (http://www1.nyc.gov/site/dca/consumers/file-your-taxes.page) if your family earned $93,000 or less or if you’re a single filer who earned $65,000 or less in 2024. IRS-certified VITA/TCE volunteer preparers are available to help you file.
Money for funerals due to COVID-19
COVID-19 Funeral Assistance
Cash & expenses | Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
You can get reimbursed for funeral costs up to $9,000 for someone who died due to COVID-19.
Money for heat and utility expenses
Home Energy Assistance Program
Cash & expenses | NYC Human Resources Administration (HRA)
HEAP helps low-income households meet the cost of heating their homes. The benefit can pay for fuel, your utility source, and heating equipment replacement and repairs. The benefit is paid directly to the heating vendor or utility company. You may be able to get HEAP even if your heat is included in your rent.
Monthly cash help when you are in need
Cash Assistance
Cash & expenses | NYC Human Resources Administration (HRA)
Your family can get cash if you’re in need. Many families will get the funds on a debit card that can be used at any ATM or store where EBT cards are accepted. Some families may only qualify to get funds paid directly to their landlord.
Monthly discount on internet service
Affordable Connectivity Program
Cash & expenses | Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) gives your household a $30 discount on internet service every month. ACP stopped accepting new applications and enrollments on February 8, 2024. If you’re a NYCHA resident enrolled in (https://www.nyc.gov/assets/bigappleconnect/) Big Apple Connect, your service is not affected
One-time cash help during an emergency
Emergency Assistance / One Shot Deal
Cash & expenses | NYC Human Resources Administration (HRA)
You may be able to get cash help if you cannot pay your bills because you lost your job, are getting less pay from your job, or had another emergency like an unexpected medical situation. This help is called “Emergency Assistance” or a “One Shot Deal.”
Payment for workers with low income who are excluded from other benefits
Excluded Workers Fund
Cash & expenses | NYS Department of Labor (DOL)
Payment to workers with low income who lost income due to COVID and who are not eligible for (https://access.nyc.gov/programs/nys-unemployment-insurance/) Unemployment Insurance (UI) due to immigration status or other factors.
Payments for eligible unemployed adults
NYS Unemployment Insurance
Cash & expenses | NYS Department of Labor (NYSDOL)
If you lost your job and it was not your fault, you might be able to get Unemployment Insurance (UI) payments. UI will give you some money based on what you earned. You must be looking for a new job to get UI.
Property tax break for homeowners with disabilities
Disabled Homeowners’ Exemption
Cash & expenses | NYC Department of Finance (DOF)
DHE lowers the property taxes of eligible New Yorkers with disabilities. You may be able to reduce your home’s assessed value by 5-50% depending on your income.
Property tax break for senior homeowners
Senior Citizen Homeowners’ Exemption
Cash & expenses | NYC Department of Finance (DOF)
SCHE lowers the property taxes of eligible seniors. You may be able to reduce your home’s assessed value by 5-50% depending on your income.
Property tax break for veterans
Veterans’ Property Tax Exemption
Cash & expenses | NYC Department of Finance (DOF)
Veterans exemptions lower the property taxes of qualified veterans, their spouses or un-remarried surviving spouses, and parents of soldiers who died in the line of duty (Gold Star parent).
Reduce property taxes for homeowners
School Tax Relief Program
Cash & expenses | NYS Department of Taxation (NYS DT); NYC Department of Finance (DOF)
STAR helps lower the property taxes for eligible homeowners who live in New York State. If you apply and are eligible, you’ll get a STAR credit check by mail every year to use towards your property taxes.
Reduced fare One-way tickets for NYC Ferry
NYC Ferry Discount Program
Cash & expenses | New York City Economic Development Corporation
The Ferry Discount Program lets eligible individuals buy reduced fare One-way Tickets for the NYC Ferry.
Ride for half price
Fair Fares NYC
Cash & expenses | NYC Human Resources Administration (HRA)
Fair Fares NYC helps low-income New Yorkers save 50% on public transportation including subway fares, eligible bus fares, and Access-A-Ride paratransit trips.
Stimulus payments during COVID-19
Economic Impact Payments
Cash & expenses | Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
The IRS sent three Economic Impact Payments (stimulus payments) to adults and families with work-eligible Social Security Numbers (SSN). These payments were sent in 2020 and 2021. If you did not get your payments, claim the Recovery Rebate Credit on your 2021 or 2020 tax return.
Tax credit for families with children
Child Tax Credit
Cash & expenses | NYC Department of Consumer and Worker Protection (DCWP); Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
When filing taxes for 2024, families can claim this tax credit worth up to $2,000 for each qualifying child under 17 years old. Up to $1,700 is refundable, meaning you can get the money even if you don’t owe any tax.
Tax credit for working individuals and families
Earned Income Tax Credit
Cash & expenses | NYC Department of Consumer and Worker Protection (DCWP); Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
The EITC is a tax credit for qualifying families, noncustodial parents, and individuals who work full time or part time or are self-employed. There are federal, state, and New York City versions of the EITC.
Tax refund if you paid for child and dependent care
Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit
Cash & expenses | NYC Department of Consumer and Worker Protection (DCWP); Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
The Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit reimburses you up to 50% of the cost for caring for a child or adult dependent. On your 2024 tax return, you can claim up to $3,000 for the cost of care for one qualifying person and $6,000 for care for two or more qualifying persons.
Temporary discounted internet service for your home
Emergency Broadband Benefit
Cash & expenses | Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
The Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB) gives a temporary discount on your household’s monthly broadband internet service if you are eligible. Participating broadband providers will apply this discount to your broadband plan.