You may be able to get cash help if you cannot pay your bills because you lost your job, are getting less pay from your job, or had another emergency like an unexpected medical situation. This help is called "Emergency Assistance" or a "One Shot Deal."
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Eligibility is determined on a case-by-case basis. Factors that may be considered include:
Required Documents
Specific documents will be requested on a case by case basis. They may include:
How to Apply
Apply online for Emergency Assistance through the ( ACCESS HRA website ( or the ( ACCESS HRA Mobile App. Indicate that it is for a "One Shot Deal".Apply in person by visiting your nearest HRA Benefits Access Center. After you apply, you must have an interview to get Emergency Assistance or a One Shot Deal.
Apply for Emergency Assistance online on ( ACCESS HRA.After you apply, you must have an interview to get Emergency Assistance or a One Shot Deal.
By Mail
Get Help
Get help in personVisit an HRA Benefits Access Center ( near you.If you’re at risk of entering shelter, contact ( Homebase.Call the HRA InfolineCall 718-557-1399 Monday - Friday 8 a.m - 5 p.m