纽约市提供公共教育和许多免费和低成本的支持服务。 有专门的项目来支持低收入家庭或学生在临时住房中的住宿。
临时住所的学生可以继续上同一所学校,并获得新的校车路线或 MetroCard 到达那里。 他们还可以转学到离他们居住地更近的新学校,并有权立即入学。 临时住所的学生无需出示居住证明即可获得帮助。 访问纽约市教育部 (DOE)页面了解更多信息。
如果您对学校注册有任何疑问,请访问教育部 (DOE) 网站上的注册页面。 您可以按年龄或特殊情况浏览注册选项。
如果您需要为 0-4 岁的孩子提供免费或低成本的托儿服务和教育,请查看EarlyLearn和Head Start计划。 您还可以访问MySchools.nyc网站,查找您附近的婴幼儿项目。
如果您在为您的孩子注册 3-K 或 Pre-K 时需要帮助,请参阅3-K for All和Pre-K for All 。 您可以使用Myschools.nyc开始注册流程或访问家庭欢迎中心 (FWC)寻求帮助。
如果您需要以另一种语言接收学校信息,请告诉您学校的校长或家长协调员。 您也可以致电 718-935-2013 或发送电子邮件至 [email protected] 联系DOE。
如果您或您的孩子已超龄且学分不足,您可以参加一些计划以赶上教育。 访问 DOE 网站上的其他毕业方式页面以了解更多信息。 对于尚未毕业八年级的青少年,还有其他中学可供选择。 还提供高中同等学历(以前的 GED)计划和成人教育计划。 您可以访问家庭欢迎中心 (FWC)位置寻求帮助。
如果您正在寻找课后或充实课程,请访问DiscoverDYCD 网站。 您可以按服务类型、位置和年龄进行搜索。 该网站还设有住房、家庭支持和移民服务地点。
如果您的孩子在家庭作业方面需要帮助,我们可以提供免费支持和辅导。 访问Dial-A-Teacher或纽约公共图书馆网站了解更多信息。
如果您的孩子有残疾,可以获得额外的支持。 致电 718-935-2007 或发送电子邮件至[email protected]了解更多信息。

How do I get started?
- Go to Access NYC and fill out a short online survey. The survey results will let you know what City benefits you’re eligible for, including some of the ones listed here. Follow the instructions on the result page to apply for benefits. You can also email your results to City staff at your child’s school or your shelter for help.
- Speak to City staff who can help. In schools, there may be an STH Community Coordinator or STH School-Based Liaison who can answer questions. If your child’s school doesn’t have those roles, reach out to the school’s regional manager. In a shelter, speak with a social worker, case manager, or family assistant.
- Gather your documents. You may need certain documents to apply for services. Common ones include proof of identity, proof of address, and proof of income. Don’t let missing documents keep you from applying. City staff can help you replace missing documents.
Undocumented immigrants can access many city services, regardless of their status. City employees will not ask about immigration status unless it is necessary to do their jobs. They must keep information about immigration status confidential.
Academic support for CUNY students
CUNY Start
Education | The City University of New York (CUNY)
CUNY students seeking an associate degree can get a strong start to college with affordable courses that help them meet CUNY’s required scores in English and math.
Advanced job training and employment for youth ages 16-24
Advance & Earn
Education | NYC Department of Youth & Community Development (DYCD)
Advance & Earn is a training and employment program for youth (ages 16-24) who are not working nor in school. Depending on your career interests and level of schooling, you can get Pre-HSE or HSE prep, paid internships, and access to advanced job training.
Career training for high school students
Career and Technical Education
Education | NYC Department of Education (DOE)
Career and Technical Education (CTE) lets students gain career skills as they complete high school or high school equivalency (HSE). CTE offers work-based learning experiences like job shadowing, mentorships, and internships.
Early education for three-year-olds
Education | NYC Department of Education (DOE)
3-K provides free, full-day, high-quality early childhood education for three-year-olds.
English conversation and learning program
We Speak NYC
Education | Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs (MOIA)
We Speak NYC helps English language learners age 16 and above to learn English and access services. The program has online classes, videos, web, and print materials for you to practice at home.
Free Pre-K for four-year-olds
Education | NYC Department of Education (DOE)
Pre-K programs help children get a strong start in school and life. Your child can learn to problem-solve, ask questions, and explore the world around them in a safe, nurturing learning community.
Help earning your CUNY degree
Accelerated Study in Associate Programs
Education | The City University of New York (CUNY)
CUNY ASAP helps students earn an associate degree within three years by providing financial, academic, and personal support. Benefits include an ASAP advisor, career development support, tuition help for students on financial aid, and more. The program is available at (http://www1.cuny.edu/sites/asap/join-asap/#join-us) eleven CUNY colleges in all five boroughs.
High school & college for young dads
CUNY Fatherhood Academy
Education | The City University of New York (CUNY)
The CUNY Fatherhood Academy (CFA) is a free program for young fathers or expecting fathers who are 18 to 30 years old. The CFA helps men prepare for their high school equivalency (HSE) diploma exam or get ready for college. Men can get tutoring and take workshops on parenting, job readiness, receive counseling, financial incentives, and more.
Public school: 6th – 8th grade
Middle School
Education | NYC Department of Education (DOE)
Middle school offers students opportunities to explore their interests, discover new subjects, and learn more about themselves. During admissions, New York City students can apply to up to 12 middle schools they would like to attend.
Public school: 9th – 12th grade
High School
Education | NYC Department of Education (DOE)
There are more than 700 programs at over 400 public high schools and 9 specialized high schools in NYC. During admissions, 8th graders and first-time 9th graders can apply to up to 12 high schools they would like to attend.
Public school: Kindergarten – 5th grade
Kindergarten and elementary School
Education | NYC Department of Education (DOE)
Elementary education prepares your child for success in school and life. New York City students can enter kindergarten in the calendar year they turn five.
A year-round community centers for young people
Beacon Programs
Enrichment | NYC Department of Youth & Community Development (DYCD)
Beacon Programs are school-based community centers for children, youth, and adults across the City. They are a safe place for fun activities, discovering new interests, learning new skills, and finding opportunities to contribute to the community.
After school program for middle schoolers
School’s Out NYC
Enrichment | NYC Department of Youth & Community Development (DYCD)
SONYC is an after school program for students in grades 6, 7, and 8. SONYC activities include dance, music, sports, fashion, cooking, and more.
Afterschool programs for students
Comprehensive After School System of NYC
Enrichment | NYC Department of Youth & Community Development (DYCD)
New York City students can join free afterschool programs that offer homework help, sports, arts, and more. Hundreds of programs are located all over the City.
Leadership opportunities for youth
NYC Youth Leadership Councils
Enrichment | NYC Service
Through policy, practice, an advocacy, Youth Leadership Councils (YLCs) allow young people to address and impact the lives of New Yorkers. YLCs are hosted by City agencies, schools, and community organizations. Youth will gain community service hours, an understanding of how the City works, and personal and professional skills.
Learning and support programs for kids and adults
Cornerstone Programs
Enrichment | NYC Department of Youth & Community Development (DYCD)
Cornerstone Programs offer NYCHA residents opportunities for fun, learning, and support. Programs are located at 99 NYCHA Community Centers throughout the five boroughs.
STEM Matters NYC Summer Enrichment Programs
STEM Matters NYC
Enrichment | NYC Public Schools
STEM Matters NYC (https://spep.libguides.com/STEMprograms) is offering free summer enrichment programs at cultural institutions throughout the five boroughs.
Программы STEM во время школьных каникул
Программы повышения квалификации STEM Matters NYC
Enrichment | Департамент образования г. Нью-Йорка (NYC Department of Education, DOE)
Программа STEM Matters NYC предлагает множество увлекательных практических занятий в области науки, технологии, инженерии и математики для учащихся с подготовительного по 12-й класс во время весенних и летних каникул.