NYCは、仕事探し、雇用の維持、そしてチャンスを広げるためのスキルアップを支援します。 また、労働者保護サービスも提供しています。
仕事を探している人、仕事の準備に役立つリソースを探している人は、Working NYCを探索してみてはいかがでしょうか。 雇用や研修の情報を掲載し、使いやすいサイトです。 また、インターンシップ、ライティングコース、High School Equivalency(旧GED)プログラムもあります。
あなたの経験やスキルに合った仕事をお探しなら、WorkForce1をご覧ください。 ニューヨーカーを対象に、すべての地区とさまざまな業種の仕事への準備とつながりを支援するプログラムを持っています。
仕事、インターンシップ、キャリアトレーニングをお探しの若者は、ニューヨーク市青少年・地域開発局(DYCD)がお手伝いします。 詳しくはDYCDのページ、またはDiscover DYCDをご覧ください。
障害や健康状態により、仕事、教育、訓練活動への参加が困難な場合、ニューヨーク市人事局(HRA)が支援します。 詳しくは、212-331-4640にお電話いただくか、HRAのキャリアサービスのページをご覧ください。
障がいをお持ちで就職を希望される方は、ACCES-VRがお手伝いします。 障がい者の雇用の実現と維持を支援しています。 応募するには、仕事に就く、仕事を続ける、または昇進する能力に影響を与える障害をお持ちであることが必要です。 応募資格や応募方法については、ACCES-VRのホームページでご確認ください。
現在、現金支援を受けていて、仕事のスキルを上げたいと考えて いる方は、HRAのキャリアサービスがお役に立ちます。 クライアントのスキルやニーズ、キャリア目標にマッチした案件を一緒に探していきます。 高卒認定コース、成人識字率向上コース、ESLクラスがあります。

How do I get started?
- Go to Access NYC and fill out a short online survey. The survey results will let you know what City benefits you’re eligible for, including some of the ones listed here. Follow the instructions on the result page to apply for benefits. You can also email your results to City staff at your child’s school or your shelter for help.
- Speak to City staff who can help. In schools, there may be an STH Community Coordinator or STH School-Based Liaison who can answer questions. If your child’s school doesn’t have those roles, reach out to the school’s regional manager. In a shelter, speak with a social worker, case manager, or family assistant.
- Gather your documents. You may need certain documents to apply for services. Common ones include proof of identity, proof of address, and proof of income. Don’t let missing documents keep you from applying. City staff can help you replace missing documents.
Undocumented immigrants can access many city services, regardless of their status. City employees will not ask about immigration status unless it is necessary to do their jobs. They must keep information about immigration status confidential.
College and job prep for juniors and seniors in high school
Learn & Earn
Work | NYC Department of Youth & Community Development (DYCD)
Learn & Earn is a year-round program for high school juniors and seniors at risk of dropping out of school. The program provides academic support, college application assistance, work readiness training, service-learning, and leadership activities, as well as a paid six-week summer internship.
Employee sick and family leave
Safe and Sick Leave
Work | Department of Consumer and Worker Protection (DCWP)
NYC employees have legal rights to paid and unpaid leave, including expanded rights under City and State laws. You can take unpaid and paid leave, depending on your circumstances and the type of employer you work for, to care for yourself or family members impacted by COVID-19.
Financial growth training for NYCHA residents
NYCHA Resident Economic Empowerment and Sustainability
Work | NYC Housing Authority (NYCHA)
REES helps NYCHA residents improve their financial futures through hiring events, job training, financial literacy education, and programs on starting a business.
Free job prep service
Workforce1 Career Centers
Work | NYC Department of Small Business Services (SBS)
Workforce1 Career Centers help New Yorkers prepare for and connect to jobs across NYC’s five boroughs.
Get text messages with new job openings
Text 2 Work
Work | NYC Human Resources Administration (HRA)
TXT-2-WORK sends you text messages with new job openings. Many pay above minimum wage and you can choose to get alerts from areas of work that you are interested in working.
Internships for high school and college students
NYC Ladders for Leaders
Work | NYC Department of Youth & Community Development (DYCD)
The program offers paid professional summer internships to high school and college students. Employers include leading companies, non-profits, and government agencies in New York City. The program also provides job support and prep.
Job assistance for public housing residents
Jobs Plus
Work | NYC Housing Authority (NYCHA)
Jobs Plus is an employment program for working-age NYCHA residents. It helps participants find work and keep more of their earned income. Jobs Plus offers job-related services, help with finances, and community support.
Job training and employment for low-income youth ages 16-24
Train & Earn
Work | NYC Department of Youth & Community Development (DYCD)
Train & Earn is a short-term program for low-income youth (ages 16-24) who are not working nor in school. Youth can get training to improve their job skills and find permanent work, as well as HSE prep.
Job training and placement for older adults
Older Adult Employment Program
Work | NYC Department of the Aging
The Older Adult Employment Program helps adults 55 and older prepare for and find work while paying them. Older adults get trained to use computers, look for work, write resumes, and more. Career counselors are also there to give advice.
Job training programs and resources from the City
Work | NYC Mayor’s Office of Workforce Development (WKDEV)
WorkingNYC ( is New York City’s front door to programs that help you prepare for and find a job. Find the programs that are right for you, figure out if you’re eligible, and learn about the next steps to apply.
Paid summer job experiences for youth
Summer Youth Employment Program
Work | NYC Department of Youth & Community Development (DYCD)
NYC youth who are 14-24 years old can get paid job experience and career exploration opportunities every summer
Volunteering and skill-building for older adults
Silver Corps
Work | NYC Department for the Aging (NYC Aging)
Silver Corps is an AmeriCorps-funded program operated through NYC Aging. It provides older adults with volunteer assignments at a partner organization. Participants are connected to training, and/or credentialing to secure employment.
Volunteering and skill-building for older adults
Silver Corps
Work | NYC Department for the Aging (NYC Aging)
Silver Corps is an AmeriCorps-funded program operated through NYC Aging. It provides older adults with volunteer assignments at a partner organization. Participants are connected to training and/or credentialing to secure employment.