纽约市提供许多服务,以确保所有年龄段的儿童安全、快乐和健康。 让您的孩子参加儿童保育和早期教育计划非常重要,这样他们才能实现发展目标。
如果您怀孕并住在临时住房中,或者您怀孕并接受现金援助或补充安全保险 (SSI),您可能有资格获得 Early Head Start。 该计划提供支持怀孕母亲的早期护理和教育。 访问Head Start了解更多信息。
如果您需要为 0-4 岁的孩子提供免费或低成本的托儿服务和教育,请查看EarlyLearn和Head Start计划。 您还可以访问MySchools.nyc查找您附近的婴幼儿项目。
如果您对让您的孩子参加 3-K 或 Pre-K 计划有任何疑问,请访问本网站的教育页面或MySchools.nyc 。 您也可以联系您所在行政区的家庭欢迎中心 (FWC)了解更多信息。
如果您 0-3 岁的婴儿或幼儿不能像其他同龄儿童一样学习、玩耍、成长、说话或走路,他们可能有资格参加早期干预计划 (EIP) 。 该程序与您一起创建服务计划。 该计划可帮助您的孩子实现发展目标。
如果您 3-5 岁的孩子有残疾或发育迟缓,学前特殊教育委员会 (CPSE)可以提供帮助。 该服务支持学习、演讲、社交情感技能等。 如需了解更多信息,请致电 311 并询问“学前特殊教育委员会”。
如果您正在寻找放学后或充实课程,请访问DiscoverDYCD 网站。 您可以按服务类型、位置和年龄进行搜索。 该网站还设有住房、家庭支持和移民服务地点。
如果您的孩子在心理健康、药物滥用等方面需要帮助,预防服务可以提供支持。 这些服务是免费的,在纽约市的每个街区都可以使用。 服务可用于支持有孩子的家庭,从婴儿到年轻人。 预防服务还可以帮助年轻人获得健康、教育和金融知识。 还提供针对因创伤事件而处理行为问题的青少年的治疗方法。 访问本网站上的纽约市儿童服务管理局 (ACS)页面了解更多信息。

- 前往Access NYC并填写一份简短的在线调查。调查结果将让您知道您有资格获得哪些城市福利,包括此处列出的一些福利。 按照结果页面上的说明申请福利。 您还可以将结果通过电子邮件发送给您孩子所在学校或庇护所的市政府工作人员以寻求帮助。
- 与可以提供帮助的市政府工作人员交谈。 在学校中,可能有 STH 社区协调员或 STH 校内联络员可以回答问题。 如果您孩子的学校没有这些角色,请联系学校的区域经理。 在庇护所中,与社会工作者、个案经理或家庭助理交谈。
- 收集你的文件。 您可能需要某些文件来申请服务。 常见的包括身份证明、地址证明和收入证明。 不要让丢失的文件阻止您申请。 市政府工作人员可以帮助您更换丢失的文件。
无证移民可以使用许多城市服务,无论其身份如何。 除非有工作需要,否则市政府雇员不会询问移民身份。 他们必须对有关移民身份的信息保密。
Care and education for 3-4 year-olds from low-income families
Head Start
Child Care | NYC Public Schools
Head Start programs provide safe and positive environments for children age 3-4 to learn, play, and build the skills that get them ready for kindergarten and beyond. Programs also provide health, nutrition, and other services to children and their families.
Find a licensed child care program
NYC Child Care Connect
Child Care | Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH)
NYC Child Care Connect helps you find a child care program in your community. All programs are inspected and regulated by the NYC Health Department. You can also sign up for notifications about specific child care locations.
Free early childhood education for children of student-parents
Living for the Young Family Through Education
Child Care | NYC Department of Education (DOE); District 79
Parents who are students can get free early childhood education for their young kids though LYFE. LYFE also provides counseling, referral services, and advocacy to help parents achieve their educational and parenting goals.
Free or low-cost child care for children six weeks to two years old
Infant and Toddler Programs
Child Care | NYC Public Schools
Infant and Toddler programs provide free or low-cost child care and education for children six weeks to two years old. There are hundreds of programs in New York City that offer safe and positive learning environments for children.
Paid time off to care for family
NYS Paid Family Leave
Child Care | NYS Workers’ Compensation Board (NYS WCB)
Eligible workers can get up to 12 weeks of paid time off to care for family. Your job is also protected when you’re on leave.
Vouchers that help cover the cost of child care for children 6 weeks to 13 years old
Child Care Vouchers
Child Care | NYC Administration for Children’s Services (ACS)
Child care vouchers help cover the cost of child care for children 6 weeks to 13 years old. Children with disabilities up to 19 years old are also covered. Hundreds of home-based and center-based providers across NYC accept child care vouchers and offer child care services in safe and positive learning environments.
Career and savings planning for Section 8 tenants
Family Self-Sufficiency
Family Services | NYC Housing Preservation & Development(HPD); NYC Housing Authority (NYCHA)
People who live in Section 8 housing can get help with their case, education, and finding a job. The Family Self-Sufficiency Program (FSS) also helps people save money once they start earning more.
Child support services
Office of Child Support Services
Family Services | NYC Human Resources Administration (HRA)
The Office of Child Support Services (OCSS) makes children the priority through helping mothers, fathers and guardians in opening and maintaining child support cases. A child can get child support until age 21 even if the other parent isn’t involved in the child’s life. Parents who pay child support can get help finding a job and managing their child support debt. Other services are also available.
Confidential family planning services
Family Planning Benefit Program
Family Services | NYS Department of Health (NYS DOH)
This program helps New Yorkers who need family planning, but may not be able to afford it. FPBP services include birth control (including birth control pills and condoms), emergency contraception, and advice about family planning.
Free and safe legal help for immigrants
MOIA Immigration Legal Support Centers
Family Services | NYC Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs (MOIA)
MOIA has over 20 Immigration Legal Support Centers that offers free and safe immigration legal help, regardless of immigration status. Services are offered by trusted legal service providers at community-based organizations, hospitals, and schools.
Help for adults in danger of abuse, neglect or exploitation
Adult Protective Services
Family Services | NYC Human Resources Administration (HRA)
APS helps adults in danger of abuse, neglect or exploitation. If you or someone you know needs help, refer them to APS by calling 718-557-1399.
Help for at-risk youth
Family Assessment Program
Family Services | NYC Administration for Children’s Services (ACS)
Families can get help with everyday problems, such as children skipping school or substance use, through the Family Assessment Program (FAP). FAP helps families deal with situations without involving the courts.
Help for survivors of dating, domestic, and gender-based violence
NYC Family Justice Centers
Family Services | NYC Mayor’s Office to End Domestic and Gender-Based Violence (ENDGBV)
Survivors of sexual violence, human trafficking, stalking, and intimate partner and family violence can get free and confidential services at NYC FJCs.
Home visits for first-time parents
Newborn Home Visiting Program
Family Services | NYC Department of Health & Mental Hygiene (DOHMH)
First-time parents can get free help from the Newborn Home Visiting Program. This program provides support for you and your newborn (0 to 3 months old) the first few weeks after birth.
Referrals for long term services and supports
NYC NY Connects
Family Services | NYC Department for the Aging (DFTA)
NY Connects provides information about long term services and supports to people of all ages and disabilities, as well as caregivers and professionals. NY Connects is funded by the NY State Office for the Aging (NYSOFA).
Resources & support for families and children
Growing Up NYC
Family Services | New York City Children’s Cabinet
Growing Up NYC (https://growingupnyc.cityofnewyork.us/) is the City’s resource hub for families. Learn about and access City programs and services for your children. You can also find activities available through government agencies and community partners.
Safe sleep education and cribs for babies
Safe Sleep Initiative
Family Services | NYC Department of Health & Mental Hygiene (DOHMH); NYC Administration for Children’s Services (ACS)
Sleeping the wrong way can be dangerous for babies. Get information on the safest way for your baby to sleep from the Safe Sleep Initiative. Low-income families may also be eligible to get a free crib.
Support for children with behavioral challenges
Family Resource Centers
Family Services | NYC Department of Health & Mental Hygiene (DOHMH)
Parents and their children who have emotional, behavioral, or mental health challenges can get individual and group-based services at Family Resource Centers (FRCs). Led by people who have had similar experiences, programs include advocacy, referrals and resources, skills development, and support groups for youth and caregivers.
Support for first-time parents
NYC Nurse-Family Partnership
Family Services | NYC Department of Health & Mental Hygiene (DOHMH)
First-time parents can get their own personal nurse at no cost. Your nurse can answer your questions and provide valuable guidance and support for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.