ニューヨーク市青少年・地域開発局(DYCD)は、ニューヨーク市の青少年とその家族を支援しています。 青少年雇用プログラム、アフタースクールプログラム、家出人やホームレスの青少年のための短期保護施設や自立生活サービスなどを提供しています。
Discover DYCDは、地域のDYCDサービスやプロバイダーに接続するためのウェブサイトです。 アフタースクールプログラム、サマープログラム、ジョブ&インターンシップを、場所や年齢から検索することができます。 また、住宅、家族支援、移民サービスの拠点も掲載されています。
14歳から24歳の場合、ドロップイン・センターでは、食料、衣料、洗濯物、緊急避難所などの必需品を提供することができます。 また、カウンセリングやサポート、他のサービスの紹介も行っています。 ホームレスであることや、書類を持参することなく、サービスを利用することができます。 詳しくは、1-800-246-4646にお電話いただくか、お近くのドロップイン・センターをお探しください。
A year-round community centers for young people
Beacon Programs
Enrichment | NYC Department of Youth & Community Development (DYCD)
Beacon Programs are school-based community centers for children, youth, and adults across the City. They are a safe place for fun activities, discovering new interests, learning new skills, and finding opportunities to contribute to the community.
Advanced job training and employment for youth ages 16-24
Advance & Earn
Education | NYC Department of Youth & Community Development (DYCD)
Advance & Earn is a training and employment program for youth (ages 16-24) who are not working nor in school. Depending on your career interests and level of schooling, you can get Pre-HSE or HSE prep, paid internships, and access to advanced job training.
After school program for middle schoolers
School’s Out NYC
Enrichment | NYC Department of Youth & Community Development (DYCD)
SONYC is an after school program for students in grades 6, 7, and 8. SONYC activities include dance, music, sports, fashion, cooking, and more.
Afterschool programs for students
Comprehensive After School System of NYC
Enrichment | NYC Department of Youth & Community Development (DYCD)
New York City students can join free afterschool programs that offer homework help, sports, arts, and more. Hundreds of programs are located all over the City.
College and job prep for juniors and seniors in high school
Learn & Earn
Work | NYC Department of Youth & Community Development (DYCD)
Learn & Earn is a year-round program for high school juniors and seniors at risk of dropping out of school. The program provides academic support, college application assistance, work readiness training, service-learning, and leadership activities, as well as a paid six-week summer internship.
Internships for high school and college students
NYC Ladders for Leaders
Work | NYC Department of Youth & Community Development (DYCD)
The program offers paid professional summer internships to high school and college students. Employers include leading companies, non-profits, and government agencies in New York City. The program also provides job support and prep.
Job training and employment for low-income youth ages 16-24
Train & Earn
Work | NYC Department of Youth & Community Development (DYCD)
Train & Earn is a short-term program for low-income youth (ages 16-24) who are not working nor in school. Youth can get training to improve their job skills and find permanent work, as well as HSE prep.
Learning and support programs for kids and adults
Cornerstone Programs
Enrichment | NYC Department of Youth & Community Development (DYCD)
Cornerstone Programs offer NYCHA residents opportunities for fun, learning, and support. Programs are located at 99 NYCHA Community Centers throughout the five boroughs.
Paid summer job experiences for youth
Summer Youth Employment Program
Work | NYC Department of Youth & Community Development (DYCD)
NYC youth who are 14-24 years old can get paid job experience and career exploration opportunities every summer
Services and support for homeless youth
Runaway And Homeless Youth Drop-In Centers
Housing | NYC Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD)
At Drop-in Centers (https://www1.nyc.gov/site/dycd/services/runaway-homeless-youth/borough-based-drop-in-centers.page) , homeless youth ages 14–24 can receive help and referrals for emergency shelter.